Landwise is a unique Hampshire based development land company, created by the amalgamation of the expertise of individuals and investors from successful companies who collectively have over 60 years of experience in the residential land acquisition, planning and development realm.
Our expert team have a combined experienced of over 60 years, meaning we are in a position to create the perfect partnership to ensure that any acquisition, planning and development projects can be carried out as smoothly as possible. We also work with expert consultants to cover every step of the process.
Why are we different?
We commit from the outset to purchase the site once the process is complete eliminating the uncertainty of ultimately finding a buyer and concluding a profit share.
Who do we want to speak to?
At Landwise, we are looking speak to potential Development Partners, usually the principle freehold owners of property we are interested in acquiring.
How does it work?
Landwise eliminates all unnecessary third parties, the concerns and uncertainties of who you are tied to and ultimately that the optimum value of your asset will be realised.
Want to enquire? Have a question? We’re here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.
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